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Food Science Perspective

Prior to enrolling into the Food Science course, I did not realize how many and how common foodborne illnesses are. Any time I got sick, or anyone in my family for that matter, we would think it was the flu. Now that I have learned about multiple foodborne illnesses, bacterial and viral, many of those times we were sick could have been caused by the foods we ate. The foods could have made us sick from improper handling, incomplete processing, and/or cross contamination. My family and I practice food safety, but there a few things I will do differently now that I have taken this course. My dad practices food safety the best. The reason why is because he is a chef. He has been cooking since he was nineteen and is still cooking now. He knows all the appropriate temperatures for every meat and the importance of avoiding cross contamination; therefore, he practices proper handling and complete processing every day.

Now that I am more aware of the different illnesses and how common they are, I will be more clean while I cook. I cook chicken most often and cross contamination can be easily done if I do not pay attention to what I am touching. Many times the thawed chicken drips, so it is important to clean it up and wash your hands before handling other foods. After I wash my hands, I will then clean the faucet because I just touched it with my chicken hands.

I really have enjoyed this course. I did not think there could be so much information and details pertaining to cheese, fruits and vegetables. I have learned a lot and have changed my perspective and behavior since the beginning of this course. I am less likely to buy organic food - fruit, milk and chicken now. Maybe one day I will, but because I have a busy lifestyle, I buy groceries that are convenient and cheap right now. I am very picky when it comes to food, so I buy and cook the same meals every week. Another thing I will continue to do is limit my food waste. I hate wasting food knowing people are starving all over the world. I also try to stay aware of what foods I am eating since obesity runs in my family. I love carbs, and always have a sweet tooth. Being aware of the foods I eat and the factors contributing to obesity is very important for my health. The Food Science course has helped me have a further understanding of food safety, composition and health.

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